Birthday Thank You / A Little Earth Change Rabble

Birthday Thank You & A Little Earth Change Rabble


Umm, well you guys did it again. So now I find the need to post a response to all you birthday well wishers both public and private:

“Gee guys, thank you. I’ve never been one for birthdays and other sentiments, etc. But now-a-dayz I must admit that I am forever humbled by all this birthday Shazbat. Never in my life did I ever expect to receive birthday wishes from every continent on this planet, well except for ‘New Schwabenland’ but then again, you never know. Someone did send me a Deutschemark with a penguin printed on it, ach du lieber!!”

Well I’m still here pissing everyone off on planet stupid as prophecy continues to march forward while counting coup along the way. The good thing is the fact, the last era is slowly but surely loosing it’s luster and ‘state of science’ as we move into a new era of existence and new rules of physics.

All news is fake & scripted. The very Corporations & Globalists who are ushering in the New World Order & Nuclear Energy also owns the media on both sides of the political isle, as well as the candidates. ‘Divide & Conquer’. Fortunately we’ve entered the final Chapter of the Global Oligarchs/NWO coloring book. Don’t worry, their final production will be to convince the global population that ‘their’ alien chums are the true G*D’s of Creation as their grand finally.  Oh boy, I want some popcorn.

Rule of thumb; the true Creator does not need a Frisbee to buzz around creation in, secret societies or so-called advanced technology. Only galactic bottom feeders share technology with man so they can grab land & kill people. Nothing G*DLY about these Space Crackers! Good thing is, 99.9% of my long time readers already know the score, for themselves. We all just agree with each other.

It’s all those without true spirituality who will be taken in by the Hollywood/NASA/Disney Production of the ‘Second Coming’, oh yawn. Sadly it will be the vast majority of the global populations who will buy into the scheduled Second Coming of G*D Hoax, yet another false flag event we can caulk up for histories sake. The march of the lemmings.

Anywayz, thanks for the birthday cheer. I should have some new stories, videos, etc shortly. Just trying to get all the outside stuff done at the arts complex and my chateau….LOL! More like, Maison des chiens et des artistes perdus, arf, wags tail…

Just for the record, Summer never really kicked in here in the high country. So that has spawned plenty of winter preparation that usually does not start till September.

I’m just sayin…

Your Devil’s Advocate




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